Pete Rijks -- CS geek, Linux Czar
Hello, welcome to my boring webpage! My javascript-enhanced page is
here and my highly graphical (and very
annoying) style sheet based page is
here. The purpose of this front page is to be
friendly to non-graphical browsers and to make it easy for you to
find stuff.
"Important" Info
Peter W. Rijks
Senior Computer Science Major,
ND CSE Grad School Hopeful, and
President/Czar of the Notre Dame Linux Users Group
Secretary of the Notre Dame Chapter of the ACM
System Software
Research Group
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Room: 313 Keenan Hall
Phone: 4-3321
Office: 355S Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering
Office Phone: 1-5273
Imporant Info
I've discovered over time that the reason people came to
my old web page was for the
listing of latex special characters and how to print
them. Well, since this is obviously important, I have
recreated that information on this latest incarnation of
my webpage:
Character Purpose Input for literal output
\ Special symbols and instructions $\backslash$
{ Open group $\{$
} Close group $\}$
% Comments \%
& Tabs and table alignments \&
~ Unbreakable space \~{}
$ Starting or ending math text \$
^ Math superscripts \^{}
_ Math subscripts \_{}
# Defining replacements symbols \#
< $<$
> $>$
Important Links
Less Important Links
This page has been visited
times since sometime in 1996.