Pete's Log: 1001 baby!
Entry #1001, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
So I kinda almost missed a landmark: the last log entry I made was log entry #1000. (This is #1001!) Amazing.
George: "Code Red or I punch you in the head!"
Me: "Code Green or I punch you in the spleen!"
Though unfortunately, I must admit, the taste of the code red mountain dew is beginning to grow on me. We'll have to see if I can keep up the pretense of a being a faction.
So anyway, 1000 entries. Man, that's a lot. quadruple digits, baby! I realized I've now been keeping an online journal for half my career at ND: five semesters. It seems so long ago that I first discovered Alan Cox's Diary and was thus inspired to create my own. Granted, I still don't do anything nearly as cool as Cox does, but I'm still glad I started this whole wacky adventure. Pete's Log is now on its third generation backend, is currently powered by 2485 lines of php code, most of which was written last august, but some of which dates back to spring 1999, and the rest has been written this past year whenever I need procrastinating.
Rob's trunk can apparently hold 3.56215213358 barrels of oil. Or at least that's what it says on the white board in the ssr.
It's funny. Log entry #500 was made on October 10, 2000. #250 was made on April 5, 2000. #125 on October 21, 1999. #1 on December 1, 1998. I'm not gonna graph the frequency of entries over time (at least not yet, maybe Arun will show me how) but I definitely started updating this thing much more regularly as time went on. I think automation played a big part in that. And, of course, there still remains the mystery of the empty log entry.
enough of this. time to go do something else.