Pete's Log: Hoarding

Entry #2675, (Random Crap)
(posted when I was 46 years old.)

There is lots to be said about generative AI, but here's one thing: I've lately felt a compulsion to become a data hoarder. I've always been a hoarder of my own data, but now I suddenly want to create my own digital archive of films/books/magazines/whatever.

I'm developing a distrust of any work created after circa 2022, but on top of that I'm also developing a distrust that any original work from before 2022 will easily be found in its original form. It's not even a generative AI problem, but if I want the media where Han shot first, I should be able to acquire it!

So the good news is there is more literature and film and music created before 2022 than I could consume in my lifetime. But I don't really want to check out of popular culture either.

Can't we just press pause on the future for a week or two?