Pete's Log: new obfusc8ion

Entry #1005, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

woah. I just realized I've not used imake (or xmkmf) in a long time. And yet I remember a time when that was a much more common than the now-standard "./configure; make; make install" way of doing things. Not that I miss imake...

anyway, for your enjoyment:

int rs;int U=50,V=50,S=50,P=2;int r(){return(rs=(rs*6197)%100001);} char
*_S_ = "/+\"[TR&17\023}\177m" "\201wr0tzt\2065@7\210\220\214\215\213\225y|"
"@^B\236."; void _(int i){putchar(i);}void _n(int i){_(i/10+'0');_(i%10+'0');
}void _h(int i){ _((i>9)?(i+55):(48+i));}void _b(){_('\t');_('c');_(' ');
_('#');}void _e(){_(34);_(',');_('\n');}void m(){int H, Z_32, q, Z;for(q = 0;
q<37;++q)_(q[_S_]-q);_(34);_n(V);_(' ');_n(U);_(' ');_n(S);_(' ');_n(P);_(34);
_(',');_('\n');for(H=0;H<25;++H){if(P==1){if(H>=S)goto ______;_(34);_('a'+H);
}else{for(Z_32=0;Z_32<4;++Z_32){if(H*4+Z_32>=S)goto ______;_(34);_('a'+H);
_('a'+Z);}}_e();}_('}');_(';');_('\n');}int main(int c, char* v[]){rs=((int)
v[2][0]-'0')*10;if(c>3){S=(v[3][0]-'0')*10;if(v[3][1])S+=(v[3][1]-'0');else S
/=10;}if(S<25)P=1;m();return 0;/* by PWR ( */}