Pete's Log: license plates
Entry #1010, (Random Crap)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
I like the fact that I can walk out of a room, humming along to a song or something, and then when I come back into the room, discover I'm at the exact same point in the song that the song itself is.
so my log contains occasions where I discovered the answers to mysteries, such as this one that plague my curious nature. So one thing I've been wondering about a while is how many states require front license plates. Colorado does (and thus k2 has them). But states like Indiana and Michigan don't require front plates. Requiring front plates makes sense, since if you wanna be able to read the plates on a car, it's likely easier if you've got them on both sides. But anyway, what I'm wondering is how many states require front plates. So instead of wasting time actually researching this myself, I'm going to exploit the interactive nature of my log and encourage anyone who knows of states that require front plates to follow that little link below and add comments to the entry listing states you know which require front plates.
Thank you for your cooperation.