Pete's Log: la la la
Entry #1041, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
I've found myself very bored lately. Slowly I've been getting ready to actually spend the summer here. Over the weekend I actually purchased food, cleaned out my car, cleaned up the apartment some, etc. But it seems that of the few people I know around here this summer, just about all of them are gone for the weekend. So I was finding myself increasingly restless hanging out alone in the apartment.
So Saturday night I tracked down Lisa. She's working at the Steak & Shake by the Scottsdale Mall (thanks to Anne for the info) so I figured out when she was working there and found her. Grabbed a snack at the Steak & Shake and chatted with Lisa a bit ...
Driving back, I had the windows down and was listening to Sum 41. I must've looked hip or something: at a stoplight, a car pulls up on my right. The girl driving gets my attention, and she and the guy with her ask me where I'm headed. "Home," I say. "Are you sick or something? It's still early!" I was no longer worth talking to, they pulled up closer to the car in front of them, out of communications range. Hip no more. But how did they know I wasn't headed somewhere after I got home?
Not that I was ... I went home and watched a few hours of quality tv, including Sheena and Relic Hunter.
I saw something interesting: a (an interesting name in and of itself) commercial with a woman using a laptop that was obviously a G3 powerbook. But I couldn't see the apple logo on the back. So I looked closer when they showed the front of the laptop, and I could tell that there was electrical tape or some such covering the little apple logo above the screen. Kinda just makes me wonder. That's all.