Pete's Log: I dream of Pilsner
Entry #1070, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
I just realized, while hacking on some Pilsner code, that I had a dream last night in which Dr Brockman told me something about PIM that proved very enlightening and solved an issue I was having. Now I can't remember what it was he had told me. I wonder if it was something that was actually relevant. I think it had something to do with the call instruction and synchronization issues.
I decided it wasn't worth my time to relearn gnome-- and so the pilsner gui is being written in straight c-style gnome which detracts a little from the great object orientation of the project, but decreases R&D time necessary for the GUI. Seems like the right choice to me.
writing simulators is fun. I wonder if I could find a job as a professional simulator-writer.