Pete's Log: Mamie!
Entry #1087, (Life in General)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
Mamie has returned to South Bend. I picked her up at the airport this evening. We went to Elia's for dinner. Yummy Falafel.
I made my first attempt at vegan waffles tonight. I basically took the recipe I learned from my Dad and replaced all the animal-based ingredients with vegan ones. They turned out decent. They taste kinda strange at first, but once you've gotten used to them, they taste a lot like the non-vegan ones I used to make. I still have a little time to perfect the recipe. I promised to make waffles for movie night next monday, but I don't intend to make vegan ones unless I've perfected a vegan recipe. We'll see how that goes. I don't think I can become strictly vegan until I can be sure that I can continue eating my favorite waffles. One thing, however, is for certain. If I do figure out how to make vegan waffles, they will be much healthier than the ones made by the old recipe ...
While I've been busy about the kitchen, Mamie's been playing Age of Empires. I think I've gotten her hooked.