Pete's Log: party time
Entry #1171, (Life in General)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
Last night was the CSE department end of semester party. Faculy, staff, and graduate students converged at the department chair's house for several hours of fun. It was an interesting time. I had my first chance to meet the new chair. Upon introducing myself he tells me "oh, I've heard a lot about you." Upon seeing my reaction, he quickly reassures me that it was all good things. He then asked me how long I'd been here. When he heard this was my sixth year and that I was still working on my masters, he seemed kind of skeptical until I told him I'd done my undergrad here as well.
Tonight Cari and I went to Lula's to see one of Jon's non-Lester bands play. They were relatively newly formed and not well rehearsed, but it was an entertaining time, despite their musical shortcomings. After that Cari and I decided it was Clint time, so we rented Fistful of Dollars. We then picked up Meagan and enjoyed a quality Clint western. I'd be very happy if I was asleep by 3:30 today.