Pete's Log: word mess
Entry #1191, (Life in General)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
Last night, in a combined fit of silliness and insomnia, I sat down and wrote a couple poems. They really aren't very good.
But thinking on the matter, I enjoy the craft of combining words. And poetry is a format which allows words to be combined in manners not becoming of ordinary prose.
reticent haze
twenty-some days
I like words. The other night I subscribed to four or five word of the day mailing lists. The only new word I've learned so far is euphonious. I like it though.
The world continues to amuse me. A board member of the European Central Bank has warned people that eating excessive quantities of Euro notes is a bad idea. Apparently, if you eat more than 400 notes, the ink used to print them begins to have toxic effects on the body. Delicious.
A token: the world is not all careless diversion. The USA has begun transporting prisoners from Afghanistan to Cuba. The reason the prisoners won't be held at a base on American soil is, in part at least, to ensure they don't have all the rights they would be afforded on our soil. And while I am all in favor of us being tough on terrorism, this seems somewhat hypocritical at best. I don't like it.
I wish I could properly transfer the word mess in my head to a permanent medium. A skill I will never attain but continually strive for.
Pumpkin pie.