Pete's Log: keeping it under 50%
Entry #1243, (Travel)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
Last night at about 19:00, as I was about to miserably lose a game of freeciv, I got an IM from Meagan, asking if I wanted to go to Chicago. Within an hour, Cari, Meagan, and I were on the road.
In Chicago, we dropped Cari off so she could party with some buddies. Meagan and I went to see Monsters, Inc. We wanted to see the version with the outtakes. It was fun.
After the movie we wandered around Chicago a bit, then met back up with Cari again. We stayed at Dave Tyler's place. He's an ND alum, ex-fencer type. Cari was feeling a bit ... sleepy ... this morning, so we just drove back to ND. Fun times. Fun times.