Pete's Log: east coast, yo!
Entry #1276, (Travel)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure "abandon" is the right word.
Wednesday afternoon I abandoned South Bend. Temporarily, but good enough for now. I drove to Philadelphia. Other than some issues with low quality fuel, I had no trouble finding Cari's place in the Juniata neighborhood of Philly.
Thursday afternoon we took off for Boston. Things did not go according to plan for one simple reason. Connecticut is an evil state. Evil. So instead of getting into Boston at about 22:00, we got in after midnight. We found a hotel, got a room, and headed out in search of someplace to buy a drink. We eventually found Bernie's Pub, which was super shady. Bernie checks out all potential customers through a window before unlocking the door to his place. Inside several old men were discussing how liberals had ruined the country. So we had our drink and left the bar and proceeded to get lost in downtown Boston. We finally found the hotel and got to sleep by 2:30.
We woke up at 6:30 and drove off in search of Peabody, MA. We managed to find the place, and even found Peabody High School, site of the world cup fencing tournament Cari was to participate in. Despite fears for the worst, Cari was allowed to fence. She went 3-3 in her first round, so she had to compete in a direct elimination to advance. She lost that 15-14, though she should have won it. It was ghetto.
So then we drove back into Boston, where we found some food and then passed out in a small park in the middle of town. Sleeping in the sun is great! Then we drove back to Philly. Connecticut was yet again evil. I suggest a boycott. But we made it back, so all is well.