Pete's Log: quick update
Entry #1462, (Life in General)(posted when I was 28 years old.)
One of my readers commented upon the fact that there's not been an entry in the past week. I'd still like to point out that with my 42 entries so far for 2007, Pete's Log has already experienced its most prolific year since 2002. In fact, I'm just a couple entries shy of beating the combined output of 2003-2005.
It just hasn't been a terribly exciting week. Well, that's not entirely true. I stalked some people wearing medieval capes on Tuesday. I'm not going to get into the details, though.
I got to contribute (albeit in a minor fashion) to an open source project for work. Yay. More details on that later. We still need to see if said project will actually want my changes.
This weekend I played American touch football on Saturday and ultimate frisbee on Sunday. On both occasions I walked from my apartment to the playing field (about 35 minutes). I'm still having energy issues of recent, but judging by my hunger levels, my metabolism seems to be speeding up. I also managed to run once last week, though I keep waking up too late most mornings.
I'm hungry...
I accomplished another goal: I've already gotten two issues of the Economist. Makes my commute seem much shorter.
This here's for Rod: