Pete's Log: some silly graphs

Entry #1527, (Meta)
(posted when I was 29 years old.)

One motivating factor for fixing the time zones was that over time, this graph would no longer accurately reflect what time of day I write most: No alt text found for this picture. Please email to complain.

That is what the graph looked like before converting. Here's what it looked like once all entries had been converted to UTC: No alt text found for this picture. Please email to complain.

And finally, having adjusted the code that generates the graph to factor in the entry time zone, we get the following: No alt text found for this picture. Please email to complain.

So almost 23% of all entries are written between 11 pm and 2 am. I am a creature of the night. Rawr.

(The up-to-date graph can be found on my statistics page.)