Pete's Log: KLUE4 fun
Entry #1537, (Random Crap)(posted when I was 29 years old.)
KLUE4 has been getting more attention of late, so I implemented an administration page in order to perform some maintenance on the database. Previously, I'd done that by hand in mysql. This is far more convenient.
Mainly I just made capitalization and verb tenses more consistent, but also deleted a few items, moved some between categories, and fixed a few spelling errors. I also added several more wars and made those more consistent (making "the" part of the word itself if that's how you would use it in a sentence -- e.g. "The Korean War," but "World War II."
The latest suggested template from a random internet stranger was
<politician> <sillyaction> in <war>.
It amuses me:
Dick Cheney cleaved a grapefruit in Grad Students vs JJU.
Harry Reid raised a barn in The War on Terror.
Rudolph Giuliani added more words to the KLUE4 database in The War on Terror.
Though I'm thinking of changing "in" to "during," but I'm just not sure. Also, bonus points to those in the know on what "Grad Students vs JJU" is.