Pete's Log: Obama samma
Entry #1600, (Politics)(posted when I was 30 years old.)
Dear President-Elect Obama: please turn out to be the pragmatist I hope you are and not the lefty populist I fear you are.
Dear Republican Party: please become the center-right party I think this country needs instead of the fundamentalist-right party you think your base wants. Demographics alone will ruin you if you don't reconsider your platform. The Libertarians aren't the answer, but you well could be.
Dear Democratic Party: please realize this country voted you in in large part as a rejection of Bush, and not because they suddenly have an appetite for Euro-Leftist politics.
Dear America: please keep your expectations of the Obama White House grounded. It's gonna be a tough four years regardless of who's President.
Dear Europe: we're still America, and our left is still to the right of your left.
Dear Sarah Palin: please stay in Alaska forever and forget national politics.
Dear Libertarians: Bob Barr? Seriously?