Pete's Log: more from London
Entry #1668, (Travel)(posted when I was 31 years old.)
I spent all day today at Notre Dame's London Center, which is a very nice building, a couple blocks from Trafalgar Square. We discussed means of coordinating alumni events and communications across Europe and how to recruit new potential students to Notre Dame.
That latter point seems tricky to me, at least in Europe, given how much more a Notre Dame education costs in comparison to one at a European University.
Walking past Trafalgar Square reminded me of wandering around London with Sara. That was just over three years ago. I now have roughly 48 hours until my flight back to Munich. I'm staying in the YHA St Pauls Hostel, which is centrally located. I'm now going to attempt to formulate an itinerary for tomorrow. It's not my usual method of travel, but I figured I'd give it a try.