Pete's Log: Back to the hills
Entry #1819, (Random Crap)(posted when I was 41 years old.)
It seems Minecraft is experiencing a bit of a renaissance these days, so feeling nostalgic I decided to see if my old account still worked. It took a minute to figure out, but apparently I had to convert my Minecraft Premium account to a Mojang account, but once I figured out I had to perform that step, I got in. I even remembered my old password.
The first couple worlds I generated didn't do much for me. I was using random seeds and they were filled with new and confusing things such as villages. So tonight I decided to try typing in a seed and for some reason "The hills are alive" popped into my head and it turns out to generate a world that reminds me very much of the Minecraft I played years ago. So now I'm off to bed but excited to continue exploring.
Mojang's website claims I bought Minecraft in November of 2010, which sounds about right since I blogged about it just a month later.