Pete's Log: Gloomy days; JB asks why; I solder some more

Entry #1963, (Life in General, Parenthood, Smokepacking)
(posted when I was 42 years old.)

It's been a real grey week. The sun has peeked out on a few brief occasions, but it sure would be nice to see more of it. The library battery hasn't been full since last Friday:

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JB has entered the "why" phase. It's exciting right now, but I can already tell it's going to be difficult. For example:
JB: What are mommy and daddy's names?
Me: Jamie and Pete
JB: Why?
Me: Because that's what our parents chose to name us
JB: Why?
Me: Because they liked those names
JB: Why?
Me: ...

It's going to be fun. :)

I did some more evening soldering. My main goal was the SMD challenge. But I figured I should practice a little more first.

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I was using a fine tip on the soldering iron since I assumed I'd need it for the SMD challenge and I figured I should practice with it. It's tricky, I think mainly because it doesn't transfer heat as quickly. So things are a bit messy. Plus I haven't cleaned any flux off anything yet.

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The kit also included six "turn anything into an SAO" boards. Basically you stick something to the front and there are two blinky LEDs on the back. By chance I had found this Mahar's coin Branden gave me many years ago while searching for my old phone in the attic. And by chance it happens to be the exact size to fit. So now I have a Mahar's SAO.

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Time for the challenge. They were kind enough to include two of each resistor and LED in the box so you'd have a second chance if needed. So I felt brave enough to take one of each out for the photo opportunity. It turned out to be challenging, but actually less finicky than the side mount LEDs from last time. And three out of four LEDs worked on the first try! Amusingly enough it's the biggest LED that's not lighting up.

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I'll troubleshoot that another time.