Pete's Log: Give me all the pixels
Entry #2084, (Random Crap)(posted when I was 43 years old.)
I got a new 32" QHD monitor today to replace and/or complement the 24" FHD monitor I was previously using. I'm excited about it, but not nearly as excited as I was to get a 21" monitor back in 2001. It's funny how times change.
One snag I wasn't prepared for was that my KVM only supports a maximum of 1920 × 1080 resolution. So I got the new monitor set up and the pixels were bigger, but not greater in number. Luckily the new monitor has two inputs, so for now I have Esgerbeastie and my work laptop plugged directly into the monitor. This means extra effort to switch, since I have to switch both the KVM and the monitor input. But I think I can manage.
The real test will be to see how StarCraft looks on it.