Pete's Log: Log Entry 216
Entry #216, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)(posted when I was 21 years old.)
today I got spammed by some guy running for Keenan Hall senator. It really doesn't bother me too much, but it does a little, and I was kinda bored, so I responded telling him I wouldn't be voting for him.
I've made some progress on the compiler, but I've also realized that it would be a bad idea to write too much code for the semantic analyzer without sittng down and really thinking up a good design. I might do that during class monday.
Art History test tomorrow, I'm rather unconcerned. Though I do need to sit down and actually memorize some dates. Not a problem.
I need to read up some more on RAM Turing Machines. The automata book talks about them some, but I don't like their implementation. The plan is to write a program that converts RAM TM assembly into actual turing machine state transitions. I think I'm gonna make it so that the RAM TM assembly is very von neuman-esque. I'll use one tape for input, one tape for output, several tapes as registers, one tape as a stack, one tape as general memory, and then add some scratch tapes for use by the "ALU".
The spamming senator candidate just responded, apologizing. Perhaps he's learned a little lesson. I think all it takes is a little common sense and a bit of education. Perhaps netiquette will someday be as much part of our society as regular etiquette.