Pete's Log: Is it a Holiday?

Entry #2526, (Life in General, Parenthood)
(posted when I was 45 years old.)

JB slept through the night last night, despite the rain and trains and birds. Jamie reports that she woke up a few times, but enjoyed her night backyard camping with JB.

Today we dropped JB and Bubbles off at Gaga and Grampa's and everyone seemed excited. I used the afternoon to do some weeding (filling three yard bags in the process) and then grilled some CSA sweet potatoes and asparagus, along with some Brats Gaga sent us home with.

I previously neglected to mention that the spring on our garage door facing the house broke last Tuesday, so we've been going the long way around to enter the garage from the alley side. JB calls it the "stinky way" since it goes past our trash can. I called a local garage door place and they were supposed to come fix things on Friday, but they no-showed. So after the holiday weekend I'll have to call someone else to come fix it. Since my understanding is this is one of those things I shouldn't try to fix myself.