Pete's Log: Looking Back

Entry #2531, (Meta, Music)
(posted when I was 45 years old.)

June 13 may be the most verbose day in log history. Helped by having the longest entry ever, but also featuring a good number of entries over the years. So in order to be able to properly link to it, I made a quick update so that my On This Day page can be used for arbitrary dates and not just today.

My review of the Titan A.E. soundtrack when I acquired it was "it's decent. probably good background music for coding." My recollection is I listened to it a lot as coding music afterwards, but at some point managed to forget about it. I think it's been a decade or more since I listened to it. I just rediscovered it and I still think it makes for good coding music.

In other musical resurrections, I recreated my gpm and tsm CDs as playlists. I still remember what gpm and tsm stand for, but I apparently also had plans for CDs titled avm, drm, prm, cbm and dhm. I have no clue what any of those stand for and I also can't find any evidence that I ever made them.