Pete's Log: Oh No, Day Three

Entry #2592, (Meta)
(posted when I was 46 years old.)

There's a certain danger in posting three entries in three days to start the year, since before you know it, the idea of posting every day of the year comes to mind (again). It doesn't help that two blogs I read just finished their own "post every day" challenges. Now my RSS feed feels kinda empty without their regular contributions.

Three years ago today, I posted my This is Not a Blog Manifesto and I think it's been a useful mindset, especially since I'm happy with what I've done content-wise. On the other hand, I have achieved none of the structural goals, since shortly after that post I started my rewrite.

I did manage a small but helpful enhancement to my error-handling logic in my rewrite today, and that's made the whole thing feel tenable again. On the other hand, what if I just post something silly every day this year?

Although the only way I'd have a chance of seeing such a project through is if I had a queue of entries at the ready for those days I have nothing to write about. Plus maybe some sort of automation that posts a queued entry for me if I haven't posted anything by 11 pm or so.

But there I go again, dreaming up more new features to build...