Pete's Log: Cycle Brookfield Annual Meeting
Entry #2605, (Life in General)(posted when I was 46 years old.)
We've been going to Cycle Brookfield events for four plus years now, but I had yet to make it to one of their meetings, monthly or annual. Which means we had yet to become official members, since the credit card form on their website doesn't inspire confidence, so I keep meaning to pay in person by cash or check...
But anyway, tonight I made it to their annual meeting and signed us up for a family membership. Finally! Their marketing emails promised big news around the Cycle Brookfield Criterium, and it turns out their course this year will have a big turn half a block from our house.
Almost wish it went past our house, that might be more fun.
But overall an excellent meeting, covering their achievements and plans and also with a few guest speakers: the president of Working Bikes and the founder of Ride Riverside. The latter was founded only a year ago, based on and with assistance from Cycle Brookfield. And Ride Riverside has apparently already inspired riders in Berwyn, so it’s nice to see the ripple effect.
The Cycle Brookfield folks should really be proud of themselves, they’ve got an excellent organization going.