Pete's Log: virtual memory experimentation

Entry #417, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

os program 1: fun with vm. basically, our task is to learn about the unix virtual memory system thru experimentation. so, in good spirit, i wrote a program that uses a sigsegv signal handler to determine the end of the stack. end of stack is determined by recursing until segfault. but the tricky part is that there needs to be enough stack left to run the signal handler. but that was easily solved. now i've begun playing with malloc, one of my best friends, along with realloc. so i found the source code for the glibc malloc, which referenced the following page:, which was quite informative. That page also linked to the paper "Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review" which will probably be a fun read. Of course, I should probably quit messing around and just get the assignment over with, so I can beginning work on my shell...