Pete's Log: Pierre!! and more forth.
Entry #465, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
Got some email from Pierre Choucroun today. Excellent. Had some brief correspondence about studying habits and such. Always fun to hear from him.
Apparently the gtk-- api has changed significantly since a year ago. Thusly my forth interpreter no longer compiles. sniff. sniff. but that's ok, i need to tear off the gui anyway. One of the books Kogge lent me is "Threaded Interpretive Languages" and is quite dated. Example: "An operating system or monitor which supports program generation and mofification is presumed to be available." But it is well written and looks to be a good read. The concepts haven't really changed that much. And I do want this interpreter to be small and fast, so what could be a better resource than a book that assumes you have at least 8Kbytes of programmable memory available?