Pete's Log: argh
Entry #478, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
well, after os there was enough pressure left in my tire to make it to the pump at the north end of campus. so after filling my tire there, i was able to make it home. we'll see where this goes from here.
so upon arriving home i start watching "Tony Hawk's Skateboard Tour" on espn2. The show is pretty cool. Tony Hawk, of course, being a god of skateboarding. I've watched a few of these, and they're kinda fun. But they play a lot of music, some punk, some rap, and they always show the name and artist of the song they're playing, which is cool. And they played this really cool punk song today, it was real good, and doh! i wasn't paying attention when they showed the name of the song (they show the name at the beginning of song, before i know that i like the song), so now i want to find a rerun just so i can figure out what that song was.
so the california auto connection (which oddly enough is located in indiana) had some ad on tv, and at the end they showed their address and phone number, along with their little catch phrase: "where the son always shines" which, unless i missed something, is rather amusing, because people really should proof read. The observer had a similar thing today. They used the word "whole" instead of "hole" ... don't they pay people to proofread?
this afternoon: sailor moon, laundry, and some obfuscated code experiments (mainly with ascii characters < 32) because i've not done any of that in a while, and obfuscated code is very therapeutic... then later tonight: flag football. i've allowed myself to be talked into playing for a team that could actually benefit from my presence. normally i'm not a great asset in the game of football, but this team is apparently 0 and 5, and is witnessing a significant player shortage... so we'll have to see how that goes...