Pete's Log: ow!
Entry #583, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
oh, man. I was awakened this morning by uncontrollable spasms in my left leg. My calf had cramped up something awful. A scary way to wake up, it really hurt. Now my leg is really sore and walking really hurts. So it looks like soccer ain't happening this afternoon, which sucks.
So since I've suddenly got all this free time, I think I'm gonna play with my signals concepts for p4 some more. I've figured out, I think, a portable way of doing this right, working around the stupid linux accept bug (which I was able to reproduce in a much simpler program, so it's not just something wrong with my program). Of course it means reworking some of the structure of my program, but it's all worth it for the sake of ... umm... for the sake of... just doing it. yeah, that's right!
I'm watching our taped copy of last night's rebroadcast of the bc game. Fun. Then maybe I'll watch other football. Or something. A good day to be lazy. At some point I should probably look into working on the numerical assignment due wednesday.