Pete's Log: stupid foodservices

Entry #614, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

OK, so I filled out some survey for ND food services, since it seemed like a good way to waste time. I was rather unimpressed. They had a "brand awareness" section in which they asked about what kinda brand or whatever you'd choose in certain situations, but they only allowed you to choose one option for each question, and there was no "none of the above" option, so for several of those questions I just selected something at random. Their server was also absurdly slow. But then again, the server was, so I'm guessing that means food services NT server. So what can you expect.

Watched Lethal Weapon 4 on NBC today. Entertaining movie. I think I missed some context, since I don't think I've seen Lethal Weapon 1-3. Finished up the 232 hw6 grading process, began work on hw7. Got rid of a bunch of old email. I should have less than forty messages after I expunge. I also unsubscribed from a few mailing lists. None of them high-volume tho, should make a difference of maybe five messages a day.