Pete's Log: good, bad, whatever
Entry #650, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
Good things going on right now: voyager just unexpectedly started. I apparently don't know our tv schedule well enough.
Bad things going on right now: I need a printer. There are two in our apartment: a laser printer we were unable to get working, and an old apple stylewriter which can only connect to my old powerbook, which I have no way of getting data on or off of. So chances are I might bike to campus sometime soon to print some stuff. Maybe after voyager. But a working printer would definitely be a good thing for the apartment.
I've fixed several more bugs in my shell. I keep finding obscure ones. I should quit looking for them. But I keep looking anyway. But the frequency with which I'm able to uncover more obscure bugs is going down quickly.