Pete's Log: gggghhh
Entry #716, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
I'm not sure how exactly to spell the sound "gghh" but that'll be a close enough approximation.
Life is pain: my NOFX "Punk in Drublic" cd simply will not play in my cd player. I can advance the cd to any spot and it will just skip. And there's no visible damage on the disc. hrmmm... not happy about that, it's a really good cd.
numerical is nearing completion. I've completed 106 points worth of questions. The test is out of 120, but offers another 11 points of extra credit, so I've got to do about 25 more points worth of questions, since I fully intend to do all the extra credit.
I've been in major snacking mode the past few days. I'm not really eating meals anymore, I'm just snacking. Major munchies. You'd think I was a pothead or something.