Pete's Log: oh my god!

Entry #729, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

oh man. talk about old skool. I don't know what caused me to think of it, but I went playing around in my afs space and found what is quite possibly some of the oldest surviving C code I have written, dating back to March 10, 1994. That was towards the end of my freshman year in high school. It's godawful. But hilarious. If it were a 232 program that I were grading, I think I would have to take off 10 to 15 out of 25 style points. But it's all good. Also found some code from April of 1994 that I wrote for an algebra class. So I first started learning C in fall of 1993, so this is definitely early stuff. I don't think I'll find any earlier C code. I know I've got older code in other languages, but it would all be at home somewhere. I should poke around over break.

Also, while poking around in old afs archives, I was reminded of the days when pointed at my machine. Well, turns out, it still does! still points at which used to be Of course it's now so someone else now responds to but it's fun to know the name still exists. I wonder if I could still find the irc servers where the people used to hang out. But I'll avoid doing that tonight...

man, I wish I'd had the log back then. Then I'd have a much easier time remembering what the hell I was doing... but at least the code survives.