Pete's Log: Merry Christmas!
Entry #760, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
Woohoo. It's christmas. And stuff! Woke up earlyish for christmas mass, then headed home for breakfast and presents! And fire, I got to play with our fireplace. I got some good stuff. Annie gave me an icescraper for the car. Got a dune book from BJ. Got the first book of the chronicles of narnia. Been meaning to read those for a while. Got a chess set and a stuffed penguin from Mamie. Now I own four chess sets. Was a good christmas day. Watched a bunch of football and played a bunch of chess and ate a good meal. The Rozmans came over. Annie is the only person who played me in chess today who didn't end up with a losing record against me. She used a brilliant tactic the first game we played: she'd get really upset whenever I took one of her pieces, so I was distracted and made stupid mistakes and stuff and lost. I finally talked her into a rematch and was very vengeful: I took all her pieces before checkmating her, and lost only three pawns in the process. I'm cruel. But the final record between us is a tie. I need to play chess more, it's so much fun. I especially enjoy losing, it forces me to learn more about the game. But I also love winning. BJ handed me a good defeat today. But then I beat him three times. I have a book about opening moves for chess. I should read that. I should also investigate purchasing other advanced chess books. And I should find people to play chess with. Perhaps Perk will be interested in four simultaneous chess games now that I've got four sets. And Paul and Rob have started playing chess, I think...