Pete's Log: stuff, bowl, more
Entry #811, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
Today is the 15 year anniversary of the challenger explosion.
The super bowl today was less than exciting. The ravens finished off the giants rather definitevely, but it was far from an exciting game. But it was somewhat amusing. Returned home and by 22:15 I found myself with little in the way of entertainment. Could go to sleep early but that's not gonna happen...
Some random K2 news: I had to finally get more gas. Of course, I forgot to keep track of the exact mileage when I last gassed up, but it was somewhere right around 3200 miles. So I've done something like 240 miles on this tank of gas. So about 24 miles a gallon. Not nearly as good as the highway gas mileage K2 gets. I'll need to see how this does in warmer weather. I also set one of my trip odometers at the gas station so I can better track gas usage now. Woo. And thanks to Anne, I now have all the local country stations preset on K2s radio.