Pete's Log: bitching... by pete
Entry #854, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
today, let's see. comp arch was a waste of my time. graphics was a waste of my time. so that sums up classes. most of the rest of my time today has been spent grading compilers. ugh. the easy part was testing the syntax checking. the hard part is testing the syntax trees the students generate. I've noticed something: Demian's code includes all this nice line numbering functionality so that line numbers can be stored in the syntax tree (they're necessary for proper error messages later on...) ... but it seems somehow the students were never informed they'd need to fill these in. argh. I could take the blame for this, if I'd been smart, I'd have realized they should know about this. But the end result of this all is that none of the ASTs are gonna be diffable. Along with various other issues in the ast code, this pretty much forces me to go through all this by hand. yuck. 30 students * 8 test cases. Oh well. Also had wings tonight. 8 people showed up. Fun time. I had a chicken quesadilla, it was actually rather good. The rest of the night is likely to be occupied by compiler grading ... unless I figure out a quicker way of doing this... I'm strongly considering wasting some time next summer just writing a quality ice9 compiler from scratch (well, sorta: I'll base it off the one I wrote last year, I think) and giving it to Dr Freeh as a present.