Pete's Log: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Entry #900, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

I've gotten little accomplished today. Or yesterday. Argh. Other than saturday night tv, I really have no clue what I did yesterday. Didn't wake up until 3:30 today. Went to campus both before and after the sunday fox lineup. Accomplished nothing both times. Finally at midnightish I started working on comp arch. Have two of three problems done. So let's review what needs doing this week:
  • Comp arch hw due thursday ... two of three problems done
  • Comp arch presentation tuesday ... Dr Uhran asked me to talk about shade. I think I have enough code examples to present. Just need a brief outline.
  • Comp arch test thursday ... Not really worried about this at all...
  • Algorithms test wednesday ... I'm not too worried, but I definitely need to do some studying for this one
  • I think there's a program due for graphics sometime this week
  • compilers midterm due tomorrow and project due friday ... I'm guessing I'll need to start grading at least the midterm this week
that's all I can think of right now...

called the Trifones to figure out the MS spring break thing. will probably leave early saturday so we can be there by evening. they are looking into getting a trip to the beach arranged, so that'll be cool, never been to an atlantic beach (well gulf of mexico in this case, but close enough) ... though I have been to mediterranean beaches, and those kinda are almost atlantic... definitely psyched to get out of south bend.

Some metaloginfo: I've actually started using the privacy features of the log. Until a couple days ago, the only log entries with privacy levels greater than 0 were entries made simply for testing the privacy code. So now I need to actually go through all the users and set their privacy levels. Fans of the log who don't subscribe to the mailing list may wish to register/login so that they can view entries their privacy level will permit them when they browse the log... there's a few things to work out with private entries: when a list of entry titles is generated (either thru searches or thru "view all entry titles") the titles of private entries are shown. However these entries cannot be viewed when the title is clicked. Need to make title not appear. Also need to add php interface for changing privacy level of users, right now I need to do so inside mysql. I've also created a new log topic: "Random Crap" which will be used for sending out stuff like the blinky pete and xena/gabrielle kiss campaign urls. See to subscribe to said new topic.