Pete's Log: comp arch midterm
Entry #913, (School)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
I am pretty sure that the test I just took was the most poorly-written test I have ever taken. I am positive that all my solutions are correct, provided that I made all the correct assumptions and stated them explicitly enough. Unfortunately, the number of assumptions I had to make was astronomical, there's just no excuse. I mean, as instructor, you're making your life more difficult by writing such vague questions, since you'll have to work through each solution on each students test to make sure their answer corresponds to their assumptions, since you can't just compare it to a key... yuck. The cover of the test said the test had four problems. There was actually an incomplete fifth question at the end of the test, which had obviously only been half written. Apparently proofreading didn't go so well, if at all. But we were told we didn't have to answer that question after I pointed out its existence. I was silly and forgot to bring a calculator, so I worked out all the equations, then asked if I could go get one. It was an openbook test, so this was fine. So I leisurely wandered over to fitz, grabbed my calculator, ate some cheerios, wandered back, did the calculations, and still handed in my test before anyone else. I'm an arrogant bastard...