Pete's Log: get back to work!
Entry #949, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
ok, as odd as it may sound at this point, I think I've come up with a tattoo design I really like. Now granted, I've long had this philosophy of not making any permanent alterations to myself (just in case I ever find myself on the run from the law ... right...) but this idea I think is really cool. And it's something that actually means something to me. I drew a really poor implementation of it on my skin, and even though my drawing really sucks, I still like it. It's a nice geometric shape to, so it should be easy to come up with a good-looking version of it. Alright, back to graphics. Enough procrastination through drawing on myself. And who knows, maybe someday I'll decide to actually get this thing etched on myself...