Pete's Log: oil changes n such
Entry #985, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
I did not sleep well last night. It was weird. But I made it to campus for algorithms, and then, instead of focusing on all the work I should be doing, I went and did other things instead. But they were useful things: I finally opened up a savings account with keybank. My finances are going to be kinda interesting these next few months. But I'm young, and I've got future earning potential. So I feel justified in a little financial irresponsibility. Besides, if I carry a credit card balance for a little while but make regular payments, that should boost my credit rating in the long run. Need to talk to Jane about when I'm getting paid during the semester->summer transition, and how much.
Then I took K2 to gates chevy world. K2 now has almost 6300 miles, so I was a little behind schedule, but then again, my 3000 mile thing didn't happen until 3200. But now the tires have been rotated and the oil has been changed and all such fun things. And it cost a good deal less than expected. So I'm happy. And it was nice to get away from work and just sit in their customer lounge, reading popular mechanics. And they gave me a free napkin holder that attaches to the sun visor thingies! Free! With two free packages of napkins! I have a feeling the thing will sit empty once I use up the free napkins, but it may be a while until I use those up, since i've managed to go 6300 miles without needing any napkins... but it's the thought that counts, right?