Pete's Log: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Entry #1094, (Movies)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
"Them sireens loved him up and turned him into a horny toad."
From the Coen Brothers, makers of Fargo and The Big Lebowski, comes a brilliant comedy: Oh Brother, Where Art thou? Starring George Clooney and a bunch of other cool people, this movie is a surreal and loose adaptation of Homer's Odyssey placed in the Mississippi during the Great Depression. My primary concern with the film is that frequently the lines are delivered so dramatically and with such strong accents that I have a hard time making them out. But that doesn't matter much, since the scenes are pretty disjoint, and the overall feel of the movie loses little from a couple missed lines.
Beyond that, I quite enjoyed this film. It was kinda surreal and very funny. I appreciated the acting a lot, and really liked the soundtrack. Beyond the fact that I am sure I would enjoy it again, I really want to watch the film again, just in the hope that I'll catch more funny lines that I missed the first time through.
"Oh, George, not the livestock."
In response to my growing frustration with the spreading of Arun's $-based approach to rating movies (nothing personal, Arun) I've decided to come up with my own movie rating system. It is for my own personal benefit and not intended to enlighten my readers. I figure this movie is a good enough place to start with the ratings:
FF: 1/14, FR: 7/9 (uwwwwwwuw), L: 150, TTR: 1.0, HT: 7, AE: 5/5