Pete's Log: Star Trek: Enterprise
Entry #1129, (Movies)(posted when I was 23 years old.)
So initially it looked like none of the stations around here would be playing the new Enterprise series. But as luck would have it, I discovered that the local ABC channel was playing the premier tonight, so I got to see it.
I rather enjoyed it. The story was fun, the effects were cool, the eye candy was good. I thought the acting was good enough. The series definitely had elements of the typical Star Trek cheesiness, which is acceptable, but it wasn't overwhelming, which is good. I didn't have any trouble distancing Bakula from his Quantum Leap role, and I felt he did well. I really like quite a few of the characters, and I'm thinking this show has good potential for growth. The Star Trek franchise seems to have found itself a future for a while longer.
The only real problem, and it was a bad problem, was the theme song. It sucked. A lot. They need to change it.
But beyond that, it was quite good. I'll enjoy adding it to my geek lifestyle.