Pete's Log: CATS!
Entry #1756, (Music)(posted when I was 34 years old.)
So back a month or two ago, Mamie bought three tickets to CATS. This past Wednesday the day I had been dreading for so long was finally upon us. I was to see CATS. Since our friend who was originally supposed to get the third ticket couldn't make it, Bill took her place last minute. Little did he (or any of us) realize, the musical was in German.
Our seats were annoying, we couldn't see any of the set, or any of the grey area in this picture I made:
Luckily, 75% of the action happened in the area we could see, but it was still annoying.
So anyway, the music and dancing was pretty good, but my entertainment came primarily from Mamie sitting next to me, giggling almost the whole time. I'd see it again if I could see it in English, with a view of the whole stage, for a decent price. Preferably with Mamie giggling.