Pete's Log: yay sleep!
Entry #821, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
fell asleep at 2:30 am, woke up at noon. A good night. Algorithms was fun as usual, Dr Chen is awesome. I almost wish I'd regularly gone to algorithms as an undergrad, I never realized how fun it is. The only problem is it hurts to laugh right now, my abs are just a little sore... but it's all good. Finished hw2 for graphics today, was rather easy. Went by health services since I've had a sore throat for a few days. They say it's nothing to worry about, but they took a throat culture just in case. Illness is rare for me, I get worried easily when it strikes. They gave me some non-prescription cough type syrup. I suppose I could have picked up something of the sorts without troubling the health services people, but I have little trust for medicine... but I've not had any cough syrup stuff I don't think since I was rather young, so the taste is an odd sort of reminder of europe... heheh.