Pete's Log: where's the scene?
Entry #822, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
I'm tired. I feel this general sort of fatigue that just isn't good. I think I'm gonna start referring to it as the Indiana Syndrome. I feel great in CO and all it takes is a few weeks in IN to wear me down. It's all good tho. I can endure a few more years of being tired. Maybe.
For a brief while I was determined to file my own taxes this year. Just wanting to prove that I'm financially independent. Well, turns out that due to my (rather small) partial ownership of Rijks Family Gallery, Inc., I can't fill out one of the simple tax forms, I gotta fill out one of the longer ones. So since it won't cost them much extra to have their accountant do my taxes along with the rest of theirs, my parents are gonna get mine done for me again. I'm really hoping for a fat refund check. My cash flow is hurting. Once I catch up to having bought a car, I don't think it'll be bad, these next few months are gonna be a little tight, tho, I think.