Pete's Log: graphix-o-rama
Entry #944, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
and thus ends day one of hacking on my graphics project. My accomplishment today: A definition of the football field. I actually went and found the official NCAA rule book online (in PDF format!) so as to place markings on the field in the proper location. The field doesn't look too bad: seen from above and a perspective from on the field. OpenGL is cool. We're supposed to document our progress and write a report about how we went about doing the whole thing, so I'm taking screenshots of intermediate results... Tomorrow I shall add goalposts to my field... and I also still need to add the little arrows next to the number that point at which way the goal is. According to the NCAA, those arrows should be exactly 18 inches by 36 inches and should be 9 yards from the sidelines. Then once all that is done, add the kicker and the football, and then maybe add a stadium to surround the whole ordeal. But now sleep beckons.