Pete's Log: happy easter!
Entry #969, (Life in General)(posted when I was 22 years old.)
So I awakened after noon sometime today. Woo. Family showed up at my place, brunch was made, then consumed. It was good. We had chocolate egg things. Diana and Kelly hid them around our apartment. Certain restrictions were made upon where they were allowed to hide them. They hid 40 eggs. We found about 36 of them. So there may be some interesting surprise egg discoveries in the future. Then I spent the rest of the evening ... um... who knows.
I'm beginning to think the dreadlocks may not make it until summer. They're not really locking up. But the biggest problem is I've realized that my hair is breaking. I now have a lot of short hairs that used to be connected to dreads. Not good. And the ends of some of the dreads are beginning to loosen up. So we'll have to see how they do over the next month. But I fear the dreads won't be accompanying me on my summer trip.
Brian and I have discovered the greatest show ever: Special Unit 2. Crappy name, hilarious show.