On This Day: January 19

Below are the log entries and other content posted on January 19.

Pete's Log: disconnecting

Entry #790, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So I was feeling a bit tired and such today, so I did the only rational thing. I disconnected. Went home, downloaded the compilers code onto realloc, disconnected the network, and turned on the tv. Spent a good several hours watching random stuff (mainly disney channel, cmt, and network sitcoms) and spent part of that time asleep on the couch. Also got some coding done, but in a very relaxed manner... A very happy experience. Interrupted only at about 9:45 when Anne called. But by then I'd had plenty. Of course tomorrow I'll have to play catch up.
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Pete's Log: Finding Forrester

Entry #791, (Movies)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So went to see Finding Forrester with Anne. Very good movie, I enjoyed it. It was quite humorous, but also just had a fun, heartwarming sort of story. The acting was good, the music was very good, I thought, and I just had fun. My only main problem with the movie was some of the camera work. Especially during basketball scenes, they would just zoom in way too close and make things a bit more confusing than they needed to be. But beyond that, fun. Makes me want to start writing again...
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Pete's Log: napping... brilliant!

Entry #792, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So I didn't wake up until 11:30 or so today. Very nice. Headed to campus, went to algorithms, then went running. Outside. Very nice, first time I've done that in a while. I love this campus, it's very nice for running. Only problem I encountered was that altho St Joes lake was runnable, St Marys lake wasn't. So I had to walk part of the way around it. Then I did a few small errands around campus, went shopping, and headed home. Intended to be productive this evening, ended up sleeping on the couch and watching some tv. It was nice. Napping's never been a strong point for me, I have a hard time falling asleep in general. But despite 8 hours of sleep last night I managed to sleep several more this evening. And I napped yesterday too! Woohoo. Brilliant. So I've gotten no real work done so far today. Considered going to an ultimate party when I woke up but then I suddenly felt kinda guilty about having done nothing, so I decided to stay here. I cleaned out my car instead (something I've been meaning to do since I returned to SB a week and a half ago). Then in a stroke of productive brilliance, I moved a lot of CDs from my binder back into jewel cases. This makes me quite happy. Now it's time for more work.
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Pete's Log: chemistry

Entry #1197, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 23 years old.)

It's a strange thing, this consciousness we experience.

I think this last week can be best described as chemically imbalanced. Now that I've accepted that I am no more than the physical process of interacting chemicals, life is much easier to comprehend and manipulate. This past week I've spent thinking too much about girls. But I noticed that I felt imbalanced and I've been adjusting my eating habits accordingly, and now I feel very universally loving again. Friendships again feel more urgent than the girl of the week.

It's a crazy world that I'm mixed in with. But when I can truly appreciate a hug given in friendship, then there's little else I can ask for.

Screw anyone that disagrees.
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Peter Rijks updated his status.

(when I was 30 years old)

Pete is killing Zerg

Pete's Log: Servus

Entry #1677, (Random Crap)
(posted when I was 31 years old.)

I called my boss the other day, and when he answered the phone I greeted him with "Servus." My colleague at the next desk over starts to laugh. After my call, I asked him what he was laughing about. He finds it funny to have an American sitting next to him whom one would think is German if one didn't know any better.

To be noted if you're an aspiring American spy in Bavaria.

On January 11, I was a bit sad to realize that would be the last binary-looking date of the year. Then I remembered October and November.

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Pete's Ski Tracking: day 43 of Crested Butte 2013-2014

(when I was 35 years old)


Day Total Season Total
Runs 5 386
Distance 8.70 miles
(13.92 km)
572.50 miles
(916 km)
Vertical 9462 feet
(2884 meters)
495655 feet
(151076 meters)


I skied by myself on this day (or neglected to track who I skied with)


Pete's Log: A Pale Blue Egg

Entry #2186, (Chickens)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

Olaf laid an egg today for the first time in three months. It feels special somehow, like a precursor of spring. Thanks Olaf!

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Pete's Log: Reaping What I Sowed

Entry #2608, (Books, Writing, n such, Chickens, Meta, Parenthood)
(posted when I was 46 years old.)

The chickens stopped laying a couple months ago, but last week Olaf suddenly started again. It felt nice that she's comfortable enough to lay eggs despite the cold. When I read that on this day two years ago she also ended a long hiatus, it made a pleasing connection in my mind.

It's been nearly four years since I added the On This Day feature. At that time, most days would show several entries from my ND years with an occasional entry from my sporadic post-ND journaling. But lately it's really starting to feel like the effort of the past four years is paying off—it's a rare day that doesn't have at least one entry from the past few years. I really enjoy looking back at posts and pictures of our family adventures (and sharing them with Jamie, often exclaiming "she was so little!"). And I also find myself surprised sometimes at which other topics I particularly enjoy revisiting. My reviews of Time Shelter and Breaking Bread with the Dead both came up recently, and I enjoyed rereading both (even though I have yet to read Der Zauberberg like I said I would). Maybe they fit well in my reminiscing because they bring up thoughts of time, memory and the past. Or perhaps it's because I let myself adventure beyond purely reviewing in both entries.

I also think that having achieved more balance toward recent years (if I keep up my current pace, posts from my ND years will drop below the 50% mark in another month or two), I am more able to read those older posts. January of my college years was apparently a time that I reflected often on how much I enjoy running, and even though I probably saw those posts in other recent Januaries, they seem to resonate more this year.

Does this bias me towards only posting things I think I will enjoy seeing again year after year? Probably. But isn't that the point?

One final thought: Do people commonly use "reap what you sow" in a positive manner? The biblical parable the phrase comes from suggests both negative and positive outcomes, while the literal agricultural concept seems mostly positive (unless you're sowing poison ivy seeds or something). But it feels like I mostly hear the phrase in a negative way.